Working in care is a rewarding career choice. It offers a great deal of job security and a personal sense of achievement, whilst providing opportunities for career development and pay progression.
So, why would an agency be a good route into care? First of all, it gives you flexibility to find the area of care that best suits you. You will have the opportunity to work in multiple workplaces and with a range of people. Working with an agency could offer a useful apprenticeship towards the type of care that could become your lifelong passion.
Many people who recruit into care suggest doing your research and getting experience in lots of different areas of care. This could be done through voluntary work, or you could choose to start working at entry level in a care agency. This means you will earn as you learn what your career in care might involve. You will also gain a lot of practical skills and experience that forms the foundation of your personal growth in the care sector. It is a difficult catch 22, how to get experience when you need experience to get a job. Being prepared to work up from the bottom, with the help of an agency, could be a really good option for you.
The reputation of the care agency is the reputation you will take into the workplace. The level of trust and responsibility you will be given will correlate with the work provided by other carers in your agency. This is important for most care facilities seeking staff. So, you can be sure that if the facility has chosen your agency, then they will believe you will have the ability to do the job, and with their reputation in mind it is in the best interests of your agency to train you. They will want to provide you with all the skills, understanding and qualities that will make the best care worker possible. Therefore, the best agencies will offer continuing professional development and a clear structure through which you can progress.
Finally, being part of an agency means you are part of a team of people who are self-supporting. The agency will be looking to place you in work and maintain your living on their books. So, it is a reciprocal relationship: if you work hard then they are likely to work hard to get you work. With the best agency, it can be a flexible and secure approach to working in care.
Have a look at our current positions and try working for us, you’ll soon see the benefits.
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