How motivated are you? In your role as a care worker, do you look forward to coming to work each day? Do you feel appreciated and well rewarded? If you have never taken the time to ask yourself these kinds of questions, it is always a good idea to take some time out and do so.
At times your job can be incredibly demanding, difficult and intense as mostly you will be working one-to-one with your designated person. Motivation can be external but you also need to ensure that you are keeping yourself motivated. Your employer nor the people you assist want to get to know and value you, only to find that you have decided to move on to something else.
Here are 3 things that will enable you to have a better experience, a more valuable career and a great reason to want to be doing what you do:
- Be empowered – you are accountable to your employer and have to look after the people you help to the best of your ability – do this by setting your own high standards and managing your time your way; your employer will not be looking to micromanage you so use this as an incentive and make the job your own. The more you put in, the more you will get back.
- Keep growing – don’t let your position stagnate. Be constantly on the lookout for opportunities for growth such as training courses and project involvement. A lot of training may be free of charge so don’t miss out. You will benefit greatly ,as will your employer ,as your skills will increase.
- Communicate with your employer – always keep in touch with your base. The more you know about what is going on at the main hub, the more informed you will be. If you are unsure of anything, ask for a one-to-one session. By mutually supporting each other, you will never feel as if you are going it alone and your employer will be delighted by your strength of commitment.
Motivation is a great empowerer and by taking charge of your own life and your career, you will soon begin to reap the benefits.
How do you keep your motivation levels high and keep on improving as a care worker? Let us know on our Facebook or Tweet at us .
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