Person Centred Care (PCC) is a way of providing support and treatment for an individual which prioritises their needs and wants, rather than that of the care ‘system.’ In this way it’s more about shared-consultation with the recipient of the carer and acknowledging what they both need and want.
Essentially it’s about respecting those under your care as an individual, and treating them as such. So how do you go about achieving that and in doing so, provide better care for him or her?
PCC care giving techniques
Understanding. It’s important to make time to get to know the individual. What are they passionate about? Which are their favourite activities/past times?
Including. Most people have family and friends who can give you insight into the person you’re caring for, as well as provide help and fill in useful background where necessary.
Sharing. Allow the individual to share in decisions about their own health, eg. what they’d like for tea tomorrow, where you’ll both go on a walk. This empowers him or her, while, at the same time, encouraging them to take more responsibility for their own health.
Supervising. In order for PCC to succeed, everyone involved in the individual’s care package must work in this manner – otherwise the effects will be diluted and could result in confusion for the patient.
How PCC can make you a better care worker
Getting to know an individual means listening to him or her more and taking on-board their experiences and background so that you’re able to provide a more suitable package of care in terms of interests, diet, social activities, etc.
Not surprisingly, this improved communication often leads to a shared friendship where the care recipient looks forward to visits, with his or her mental well-being improving as a result.
Seeing the caregiver as more of a ‘friend’, rather than someone who has ‘come to look after them’, lessens the ‘helplessness’ feeling, ie. their care is something you are both working on together as a team.
There are in fact many benefits to PCC. It’s still in its infancy, meaning there aren’t many studies at present to refer to. However, it’s clear from client feedback that it’s a form of treating individuals which is already proving extremely popular.
Have you tried to give Person Centred Care? Have you found it improves your standard of care giving? Let us know on our Facebook https://facebook.com/lavorocare or Tweet at us https://twitter.com/joblavoro .
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