By looking at what the individual needs, rather than imposing a particular care regime on them, Person Centred Care (PCC) puts the care receiver at the heart of the treatment package.
PCC is also a more holistic view of the care an individual needs, taking into account not just their physical and mental needs, but also their environment, lifestyle and even values. The care package is then developed from the point of view of the individual rather than the caregiver, where there can be consultation over visit times and discussion over, for example, activities such as an exercise regime. This means that PCC is considered by many professionals as a more ‘compassionate’ way of treating those needing care.
How individuals benefit from PCC
Flexibility. One of the biggest benefits of PCC for individuals receiving care is that they get to make decisions and have input into their own care (rather than having what the ‘system’ thinks is best imposed on them).
Responsibility. When given more responsibility for their own care decisions, individuals become more interested and emotionally engaged in their own well being. They’re also made to feel less helpless and dependant.
Satisfaction. People who take responsibility for their own health tend to become more aware of their health, for example, whether or not they’re eating properly, getting enough exercise, etc.
Appropriateness. By informing and making decisions about their own care, individuals are more likely to get what they need so their care package is more suitable for them.
Independence. Better care means better health and less reliance on health services and in the long term could lead to less care needs, allowing individuals to remain independent for longer.
Happiness. Knowing they are getting the most suitable care for them will obviously make them feel less anxious, more confident about the ‘system’ and therefore happier.
It’s not only those receiving the care that benefit from PCC. Studies have shown that the caregivers themselves can attain greater job satisfaction. Here are a couple of ways how:
How carers benefit from PCC:
Accomplishment. Delivering more suitable care for an individual means that he or she will be happier, healthier and more likely to get well sooner making the care giver feel as if they are indeed making a difference.
Relationships. Treating people as an individual, rather than as a ‘patient’, will result in a better relationship over all and will create a much more pleasant working environment for the care giver.
Have you tried giving Person Centred Care? What benefits have you and your care recipients found? Let us know on our Facebook https://facebook.com/lavorocare or Tweet at us https://twitter.com/joblavoro .
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