Hi everyone, this article is the first in a series of weekly articles dedicated to those working (or wanting to work) in care and/or support roles and why they are special people.
There aren’t many people who can say hand on heart that they love their jobs, but you’ll find that many individuals who care for others in their own homes can.

The rewards that looking out for someone and making their life that little bit better are hard to define. But you’ll know they’re there via that warm feeling you often experience and the smiles you regularly receive in return. It’s then you know you’re definitely on the right track career-wise. Here’s some reasons why a care role is unique:
- It’s a calling
Live-in carers in particular often view their role almost as a calling since it involves an incredible amount of responsibility and care for one individual – someone who isn’t family and didn’t start out as a friend but, through time, has certainly become one. This is obviously a full-time role, with sometimes two carers sharing a round the clock rota, which means it can get intense at times but which, ultimately, leads to a close bond with your client.
- It’s not all one-way
Individuals you are caring for will certainly look forward to your visit, but you too will no doubt be finding yourself keen to hear the latest in a client’s life, or wondering how they’ve coped with a recent appointment etc. In other words, clients become friends rather than ‘work.’
- It’s flexible
One of the biggest advantages of being a carer for someone in their own home is the fact that you can often fit the role around your own commitments eg. maybe you have to be at home for the kids coming in from school, or you have a part-time job in the mornings, etc.
- It’s intuitive
Especially if you’re older and looking to work in care you’ll find that you already have many of the life skills needed for the role. That’s because you’ve probably been involved in a nurturing role in the past such as bringing up a family or caring for elderly relatives/neighbours.
- It’s fun
There’s not many jobs where simply going for a walk, making soup, enjoying a cuppa and a chat, or looking through some old photos together is work. Caring for someone in their own home is though. And, if it feels more like popping in to visit a friend than work, then you’ll know for sure you did the right thing in turning down that dull office job.
Looking for a care role at the moment, check out our current positions at http://lavoro.com/jobs . Like us on https://facebook.com/lavorocare to keep up to date with our other tips and insights.